Norway |
Page online:
March 2, 2007
Last update/review:
October 11, 2015
Beyond Dawn
Beyond Dawn is one of those bands that, given a casual listen
to their music, may well invoke the response "why are these guys
featured on a metal site?".
Indeed, much of their work, notably everything from mid-career
onward, has very little to do with metal at all.
But they are included here for a number of reasons.
One, their early history is rooted in metal, and there are fleeting
moments of those early influences on their later material.
Two, the list of record labels that have released their albums
is practically a who's-who of independent metal labels, leading
the casual observer to think that this might be a real metal band.
And three, they have a dark tone that at times does align itself
to the metal ethic
(they are, in effect, one of those "non-metal bands that metal fans
might like").
Given all this, actually describing their music is far from easy,
particularly given that they do mutate from album to album, but
the style on 1999's
Electric Sulking Machine is somewhat of a dark,
melancholic synth-electro-pop sound, with understated vocals, the
occasional presence of non-metal instruments such as a trombone,
and a general feel of quirky experimentalism that never seems forced
or out of control.
It's really a fascinating listen, and again it's almost exclusively
non-metal, yet still highly recommended to the adventurous listener.
As for their other material, predictably the debut EP
Longing For Scarlet Days is a bit more conventional and heavy,
Reverie is an acoustic affair, simpler yet still interesting
in its approach.
Clearly a band unafraid to explore whatever mood they seem fit,
Beyond Dawn is a unique and compelling group.
Current Members
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
drums (ex-Ved Buens Ende, ex-Virus)
Longing For Scarlet Days
- Cold
- Moonwomb
- Chaosphere
- Clouds Swept Away The Colours
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
Pity Love
- When Beauty Dies
- The Penance
- (Never A) Bygone
- Teardance
- As The Evening Falters, The Dogs Howl
- Embers
- Storm
- Ripe As The Night
- Daughter Sunday
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
- Love's (Only) True Defender
- Tender
- Resemblance
- Stuck
- Three Steps For The Chameleon (how To Seduce Modesty)
- I Am A Drug
- Breathe The Jackal
- Life's Sweetest Reward
- Chains
- Phase To Phase
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
- Need
- Rendezvous
- Prey
- Atmosphere (version)
- Confident As Hell
- Naked (how To Produce Honesty)
- Phase - Juxtaposition
- Chameleon
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
Electric Sulking Machine
- Violence Heals
- Addictions Are Private
- On The Subject Of Turning Insane
- Certain Qualities
- Fairy Liquid
- Aagé
- Pop Ist Verboten
- Cigarette
- Pacific Blue Disorder
- Hairy Liquor (mer Kraft I Hver Draabe)
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
- Far From Showbiz
- Increasing The Gravity
- Among The Sedatives
- Righteous Underground
- The Right People
- Right Money
- Maybe Deeper
- Trnql
- Severed Survival
- bloody Comeback
- At Ritas
- Strange Relief
- Decreasing The Gravity (trulz & Robin Mix)
- The Beyond Brain
Espen Ingierd
Petter Haavik
Tore Gjedrem
Einar Sjursø
We're Down With Species Of Any Kind (remixes)
- Among The Sedatives (verbose)
- Bloody Comeback (martin Horntventh)
- Strange Relief (the New Men)
- Far From Showbiz (bjorn Svin)
- Far From Showbiz (snuten)
- Trnql (rune Lindbaek)
- Bloody Comeback (trulz & Robin)
- Severed Survival (center Of The Universe)
- Increasing The Gravity (xhale)
- Strange Relief (origami Galaktika)
- Cold
- Moonwomb
- Chaosphere
- Clouds Swept Away The Colours
- Strained, Down And Under
- Bygone
- Utopia
- Glass Desert
- The Sound Of Wings
- The Tempest