Origin: New York, New York, USA  
Last update/review: June 21, 2019

Cycle Sluts From Hell

This oddity came and went within a blink of an eye, and years later, is still a mystery to many. Though the name implied an all-girl group, in fact the band consisted of four female singers backed by an all-male band (the lineup of which wasn't entirely clear, though some time later names were revealed, including Chris Moffett, later of Warrior Soul, and one-time Overkill guitarist Bobby Gustafson). With member names such as Venus Penis Crusher and She-Fire Of Ice, it's hard to believe that this was ever meant to be a band to be taken seriously. In any event, the one album is anthemic, simplistic metal, bordering on thrash at times (particularly on "I Wish You Were A Beer", which got some decent MTV play at the time). but otherwise not a lot is known about the band. Debuting at a time where grunge was beginning to take hold, the album failed to take hold and the band soon disappeared with nary a trace. Cycle Sluts From Hell (the album) isn't a must-have, but amusing and ok for the time.

Last Lineup

Queen Vixen (Mary Raffaele)


Venus Penis Crusher (Vas Kallas)

vocals (Hanzel Und Gretyl)

She Fire Ice (Virginia Staska)


Honey 1%er (Donna)


Bobby Gustafson

guitars (ex-Overkill, ex-Response Negative, ex-Skrew, ex-Vio-lence)

Chris Moffett

guitars (ex-Warrior Soul)

Todd Schoonmaker


Ash Gray

guitars (Venom Prison)

Pete Lisa


Tom Von Doom

bass (ex-The Great Kat)


Cycle Sluts From Hell  
1991 Sony
  1. Conqueress
  2. By The Balls
  3. Queen High Love
  4. Dark Ships
  5. I Wish You Were A Beer
  6. Soul Taker
  7. Erks
  8. Speed Queen
  9. Taste The Flesh
  10. Bad Ass Mama
  11. Blood Lust
  • Queen Vixen
  • Venus Penis Crusher
  • She Fire Ice
  • Honey 1%er

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