Formed in 1988, Opera IX became a standout in the Italian metal
scene in the late nineties, their earlier albums such as Sacro Culto
and The Black Opera featuring an impressive, haunting blend of
black, doom, and goth metal.
Vocalist Cadaveria was a find, able to transition from beautiful soprano
to goth crooning to death growls and black rasps, often within
the same song.
Paired with an everpresent ethereal mood, Opera IX carved a niche as
one of the more original bands on the scene.
Unfortunately, differences arose between the two main forces
in the band (Cadaveria and guitarist Ossian), prompting
Cadaveria to leave the band, taking drummer Flegias with her.
She later formed a band also called
while Ossian has kept Opera IX going with new membership, including
a complete overhaul for 2015's Back To Sepulcro.