Spiral Tower
Named for the
Psychotic Waltz
song (an early influence of the band),
Spiral Tower's history traces back to the early nineties and a
quintet who recorded a demo under the name Variety Of Arts and later
an album as
Tragedy Divine.
After that album, the group splintered, with
two of the members forming the less progressive, more
traditional metal band
Sacred Steel,
and the remaining three recruiting new members and forming Spiral Tower.
The 2000 album,
Mindkiller, is a solid power metal album
with some progressive tendencies (though not to the extent of their
former influence Psychotic Waltz), with a sound that's far more
rooted in American metal than their German counterparts.
Vocalist Alex Koch has a powerful midrange voice well suited to
the songs,
and in general the music is classy, aggressive, powerful, and
the right mix of progressive elements (i.e. fine musicianship
without over-indulgence).
Mindkiller was a fine debut, unfortunately the band never
recorded again.
- The Eyes Of The Blind
- The Martyr Is Dead
- Messenger From God
- On The Wings Of An Eagle
- Tired Faces
- Lord Of The Shadow
- Heartkiller
- Looking Down On The Moon
- Execute In Excuse
- Feel The Fears
Alexander Koch
Sven Podgurski
Andreas Konstandaras
Bernhard Altmann
Frank Zube