San Francisco, California, USA |
Black Metal |
Page online:
May 6, 2015
Last update/review:
November 2, 2015
Whenever folks from different bands come together in a new project,
the term "supergroup" is bandied about, and that's going to be the case
here, though in a different manner.
Bands like
Hammers Of Misfortune
may not be mainstream household names, but they all carry serious
underground metal cred,
and the fact that four members culled from these bands have come together
and produced something that really sounds like none of the aforementioned
groups is commendable indeed.
The style on the self-titled debut is quite original, somewhat in the
blackened hardcore thrash realm if genres must be named, a sound that
is pummelling and relentless yet also nuanced.
All four players shine here, with Mike Scheidt's distant roars a contrast
from his Yob work and John Cobbett throwing riff after riff into the mix
with ease.
Not sure if this is a long-term project or a one-off, but
Vhol is a
seriously accomplished underground metal album that ranks with the best
of 2013.
Profound Lore
- The Wall
- Insane with Faith
- Plastic Shaman
- Grace
- Illuminate
- Arising
- Songs Set to Await Forever
Mike Scheidt
John Cobbett
Sigrid Sheie
Aesop Dekker
Deeper Than Sky
Profound Lore
- The Desolate Damned
- 3AM
- Deeper than Sky
- Piano
- Red Chaos
- Lightless Sun
- The Tomb
Mike Scheidt
John Cobbett
Sigrid Sheie
Aesop Dekker