Origin: Sweden  
Genres: Stoner Rock
Official Site
Page online: August 20, 2004
Last update/review: September 18, 2007

The Awesome Machine

The spirit of Kyuss lives on years after their breakup, and Sweden has churned out a number of quality stoner rock bands in recent times, such as Mushroom River Band, We, Spiritual Beggars, and others. The Awesome Machine was another such band, and one of the better late-period Kyuss soundalikes to be heard in some time. A lot of stoner bands seem to stick to the tried and true, and in that respect The Awesome Machine was no different, but they were excellent at what they did. They announced their retirement in September 2007.

Last Lineup

John Hermansen


Christian Smedström


Anders Wenander


Tobbe Bovik


Former Members/Guests

Lasse Olausson


Stefan Magnusson



The Awesome Machine  
  1. mula
  2. fortune teller
  3. burning love
  4. sun don’t shine on me
  5. digging
  6. god damn evil (CD bonus track)
  7. ompa bompa (CD bonus track)
  • Lasse Olausson
  • Christian Smedström
  • Stefan Magnusson
  • Tobbe Bovik

Under The Influence  
2000 People Like You
  1. never said I never fail
  2. how am I to know
  3. el bajo
  4. son of a god
  5. cruise control
  6. supernova
  7. looking for sweet opium
  8. out of fuel
  9. used to be
  10. no share
  • Lasse Olausson
  • Christian Smedström
  • Anders Wenander
  • Tobbe Bovik

It's Ugly Or Nothing  
2002 People Like You
  1. tomorrow
  2. cure me
  3. black dove
  4. mother’s gone
  5. kick
  6. emotion water
  7. one
  8. sonic hustler
  9. desire
  10. under the veil
  11. still got no share pt 1 & 2
  12. reincarnation
  13. god damn evil
  • Lasse Olausson
  • Christian Smedström
  • Anders Wenander
  • Tobbe Bovik

The Soul Of A Thousand Years  
2003 People Like You
  1. eating me slowly
  2. forgotten words
  3. hunt you down
  4. scars
  5. my friend
  6. ghost of patroklos
  7. black hearted son
  8. deadly caress
  9. tom’s serenade
  10. bring out the dead
  11. not my war
  12. the soul of a thousand years
  • Lasse Olausson
  • Christian Smedström
  • Anders Wenander
  • Tobbe Bovik

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