Beyond Fear
The story of Tim "Ripper" Owens should be familiar to most.
Famously hand-picked to replace Rob Halford in
Judas Priest,
he made two studio albums and toured extensively with the group,
only to be dropped when Halford himself made his inevitable return.
Since his Priest stint, he's been all over the place, singing for
Yngwie Malmsteen,
Iced Earth,
Charred Walls Of The Damned,
but Beyond Fear is truly his band.
A self-titled album was released in the spring of 2006, barely
a year after Owens put the band together.
Musically, this is straightforward heavy metal, with the occasional
thrash element, with Owens in predictably fine form -- his vocal
talents have never been in question and on that score
Beyond Fear
The songs themselves range from ok to good, no real duds but few real
standouts either.
Overall, it's a bit on the safe side --
Ripper fans and traditional metallers
will enjoy this, but the album doesn't quite make the huge impact one
might have hoped for.
As of this writing, it's not clear whether this band will be revived,
though no doubt Ripper has plenty of singing left in him.
Beyond Fear
- Scream Machine
- And ... You Will Die
- Save Me
- The Human Race
- Coming At You
- Dreams Come True
- Telling Lies
- I Don't Need This
- Words Of Wisdom
- My Last Words
- Your Time Has Come
- The Faith
Tim Owens
John Comprix
Dwayne Bihary
Dennis Hayes
Eric Elkins
2006 Readers' Album