Germany |
Page online:
October 30, 2007
Last update/review:
October 30, 2007
Noekk is manned by a pair of musicians who were last seen together
in the unique band known as
That group was put to rest based on the claim that there was nothing
left to accomplish, and that sentiment appears to hold here, since
Noekk has very little in common with Empyrium, or with any other
band for that matter.
The style here is rather strange, consisting of a bit of
dark prog rock/metal,
plenty of ambient moments, and in general a rather doomy feel
(though not doom metal in the traditional sense),
with Thomas Helm's semi-operatic, semi-baritone vocals
lending the right touch of gloom and mysticism to the proceedings.
There are metallic elements sprinkled throughout, but labelling
Noekk a metal band would be a stretch.
Having said that, their style is intriguing, and some left-field metal
fans might find them of interest.
The Water Sprite
- The Watersprite
- T.B.'s Notion
- Strange Mountain
- How Fortunate The Man With None
- The Fiery Flower
- Moonface Is Dead
- The Riddle Seeker
F.F. Yugoth
Funghus Baldachin
The Grimalkin
- The Albatross
- The Grimalkin
- Codex Deserta
F.F. Yugoth
Funghus Baldachin
The Minstrel's Curse
- The Minstrel's Curse
- Song of Durin
- How long is ever
- The Rumour and the Giantess
F.F. Yugoth
Funghus Baldachin
Carol Stones And Elder Rock
- A Loss
- Pan
- A Vision
- Archaic Tune
F.F. Yugoth
Funghus Baldachin
Waltzing In Obscurity
- Waltzing in Obscurity
- Perseus
- The Mirror
- The Giant
- On Summits
- Mortlach
- The Windwaker
- The Secret Beaker
- The Lily of Reverence
- The Poet's Curse
F.F. Yugoth
Funghus Baldachin