Origin: Norway  
Genres: Doom Metal
Last update/review: December 30, 2014


This relatively obscure Norwegian band, notable for including Darkthrone's Fenriz in their lineup (for some reason going under two different aliases, Lee Bress and Gribb) released two albums in the 90's in a classic doom mold, along the lines of, say, Count Raven. Disbanded for several years afterward, they reunited in early 2008, eventually releasing a long-lost third album (recorded in 2000), Red Planet.

Current Members

Ronny Sorkness


Robin Olsen

lead guitar

Kenneth Sorkness


Frank Wanberg


Gylve Nagell

drums (ex-Dødheimsgard, Darkthrone, ex-Storm)

Former Members/Guests

Geir Kolden

rhythm guitar


1994 Head Not Found
  1. Tidal waves
  2. Pagan token
  3. Doom
  4. Dreamer
  5. Infinite grieve
  6. Come winter
  7. Relief
  8. Culture trance time
  9. Moonstoned
  10. Soul trip
  • Ronny Sorkness
  • Robin Olsen
  • Geir Kolden
  • Kenneth Sorkness
  • Gylve Nagell

Heading For Mars  
1997 Head Not Found
  1. Intro
  2. Arctic
  3. Mindblaster
  4. Mountain
  5. Ocean
  6. Sleeper
  7. Childhood memories
  8. Livets soyle
  9. Past era
  10. Darkness between two shadows
  11. Dream of a jester
  12. Outro
  • Ronny Sorkness
  • Robin Olsen
  • Geir Kolden
  • Kenneth Sorkness
  • Frank Wanberg
  • Gylve Nagell

Red Planet  
  1. Stonehead
  2. Liberation
  3. Suicidal Hippie
  4. Easy Rider
  5. Rohypnol
  6. Mister Know-How
  7. Dead End
  8. Made In Iron
  9. Gravedance
  10. Phobia
  • Ronny Sorkness
  • Robin Olsen
  • Kenneth Sorkness
  • Frank Wanberg
  • Gylve Nagell

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