Italy |
Power Metal |
Page online:
March 29, 2005
Last update/review:
April 25, 2015
Shining Fury
Shining Fury is an Italian metal band, featuring one Ross
Lukather on drums, who used to serve time in the cult
horror metal outfit
Death SS.
Shining Fury is nothing like Death SS, but is instead another
speedy melodic power metal band, with the typical gloss and sheen
(a clear production, above-average musicianship) that power metal
fans hunger for.
Songwriting-wise, there's little here that hasn't been heard elsewhere,
and Francesco Neretti's vocals at times are a
shade shrill and high-pitched,
but overall the band performs well.
Shining Fury isn't going to convert anyone outside the Euro power metal
crowd, but there is a thriving market for this sort of music, and
power metal completists will no doubt want to add this band to their
They last recorded in 2006 but apparently are still active.
Current Members
Francesco Neretti
Francesco Tonazzini
Federico Accardo
Alessandro Cola
Andrea Bartoletti
Ross Lukather
drums (ex-Death SS)
Former Members/Guests
Francesco Chelini
Tommy Pellegrini
Last Sunrise
Metal Blade
- Intro
- Broken Hopes
- 060501
- Sleepin' Coma
- Snake's Game
- Last Sunrise
- Memories
- Speed Of Life
- Declaration Of A Cheat
- Net Love
- Rosanna
Francesco Neretti
Francesco Chelini
Tommy Pellegrini
Alessandro Cola
Ross Lukather
Another Life
Metal Blade
- Another Life
- Fast and Easy
- Colours and Experience
- The Haunting
- Together
- Eternal Fight
- Neither Words Nor Kisses
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Five years Ago
- Highway Star
Francesco Neretti
Francesco Tonazzini
Federico Accardo
Andrea Bartoletti
Ross Lukather