Amiens, France |
Eclectic Metal |
Page online:
February 29, 2008
Last update/review:
February 29, 2008
Carnival In Coal
Carnival In Coal is one of those bands that define
"everything but the kitchen sink".
Quite willing to throw in every style of metal as
well as many non-metal influences, their style
is almost too much to comprehend, and certainly
most difficult to actually describe.
Reviewed here is their last of four albums,
Collection Prestige, released in 2005.
Essentially there's a black/death base somewhere,
but then they throw in clean and death vocals,
violins, xylophones, samples, quirky time changes,
and plenty of irreverent/jokey lyrics.
An album like this is bound to be hit-and-miss, and
sure enough it is
(the full-on disco (!) that is "Cartilage Holocaust" is a bit
much, for example, as is the funky intro to "Fuckable"),
but when they're on they're quite unbelievable.
Predictably, reviews of this album range from absolute
brilliance to disjointed garbage -- it's not for everyone, and
even those who like quirky bands may not take to this,
but to these ears it's a aural journey well worth the effort.
They formally disbanded in September of 2007.
Last Lineup
Arno Strobl
Axel Wursthorn
all instruments
- In Darkness Dwells Vice
- Entrez le Carnaval
- Urine Facewash
- Got Raped
- Yeah, Oystaz
- Narrow-Minded Sexist Pig
- A Swedish Winter Tale
- She-Male Whoregasm
- XXX Dog Petting
- Dressed Like Pazuzu
- Turn Everything Upside Down Twice
Arno Strobl
Axel Wursthorn
French Cancan
Season Of Mist
- Bark At the Moon
- Out of Misery
- Maniac
- Piranha
- My Favourite Armchair
- Baker Street
- Fall From Grace
- Mama
- Fucking Hostile
Arno Strobl
Axel Wursthorn
Fear Not Carnival In Coal
Season Of Mist
- Yes! We Have No Bananas
- Cadillac
- JP.08
- Exit Upon Void
- Don't Be Happy, Worry
- Gang Bang
- Daaahhh
- Ring My Bell
- Fear/Fear Not
Arno Strobl
Axel Wursthorn
Collection Prestige
- Party At Your House
- Fuckable
- Satanic Disaster
- Right Click... Save As...
- Cartilage Holocaust
- The Lady and the Dormant Sponge
- Delivery Day
- Ohlala
- Living In the Plastic Age
- D.O.A. (Drunk Once Again)
- Promenade
Arno Strobl
Axel Wursthorn