St. Clairsville, Ohio, USA |
Traditional Metal |
Page online:
September 2, 2017
Last update/review:
September 2, 2017
Necromancing The Stone
Metal Blade
project features a rather diverse set of musicians hailing from
bands like
Brimstone Coven,
The Absence,
Black Dahlia Murder,
and is commendable for the fact that not only do these bands not
sound alike, Necromancing The Stone sound like little of them either.
Both the band name and album title are plays on a pair
of 80's movies
("Romancing The Stone" and its sequel, "Jewel Of The Nile"),
which seems a questionable move,
as it imparts
a jokey vibe (furthered by some goofy larger-than-life fake bio
that isn't supported by the music.
Jewel Of The Vile is a potent melodic power/thrash album, full of
speedy intricate riffs and solid clear vocals punctuated by the rare
deathy bark.
This is one of the modern takes on retro metal, as there are
plenty of 80's influences to be found yet with renewed, modern vigor.
Bands like this always have a questionable shelf life due to the
members' main band obligations, but
Jewel is nevertheless an
enjoyable classic metal romp that is far more serious than its image
may imply.
Before The Devil Knows You're Dead
- From Grave's to Infamy
- Rotted Reunion
- The Siren's Call
John Williams
James Malone
Justin Wood
Bart Williams
Jeramie Kling
Jewel Of The Vile
Metal Blade
- Crusher
- Bleed for the Night
- The Descent
- The Siren's Call
- Ritualistic Demise
- The Old One
- Rotted Reunion
- Unfinished Business
- Honor Thy Prophet
- From Graves to Infamy
- The Battle of Morningstar
John Williams
James Malone
Justin Wood
Bart Williams
Jeramie Kling