Baltimore, Maryland, USA |
Progressive Metal |
Page online:
May 10, 2024
Last update/review:
May 10, 2024
An acronym for We Are In Transit,
WAIT comes out strong with
The End Of Noise,
their 2022 full-length debut following an EP three years earlier.
The band plays a groovy, slighty djent-laced, choppy brand of
progressive metal (they are referred to elsewhere as progressive
death metal, but clean vocals outnumber death vocals here),
with a lot of downtuned chunky riffs but also some languid
and faintly jazzy moments allowing one to catch one's breath.
There's plenty of serious musicianship on display but thankfully
the members keep things from getting too self-indulgent.
Current Members
Max Phelps
vocals (ex-Cynic, guest for Defeated Sanity)
Charlie Eron
Alex Weber
Former Members/Guests
Anup Sastry (guest)
We Are In Transit
- Wonder
- Mushroom Song
- Tomorrow Awaits
Max Phelps
Charlie Eron
Alex Weber
Anup Sastry
The End Of Noise
- Half Funeral
- Earth's Last Orbit
- Lone Presence Supreme
- Reverie
- I Climb Downhill
- The End of Noise
- Until the Road Is Closed
Max Phelps
Charlie Eron
Alex Weber
Anup Sastry