San Francisco, California, USA |
Black Metal, Death Metal |
Page online:
January 29, 2017
Last update/review:
June 10, 2024
Howls Of Ebb
Even before delving into the music, the listener is probably
ready to expect something rather different.
Start with the band name -- what does Howls Of Ebb even mean?
Check out the song titles on
Cursus Impasss: The Pendlomic Vows,
and the band member names are equally out there.
Yes, this San Francisco project (formerly a trio, eventually just two guys)
were really in their own world.
If one must assign genres, they were loosely in the black/death mold,
but they really only had passing tendencies of either of those camps.
This was seriously bizarro, experimental, somewhat free-form
avantgarde extreme metal, really sounding like no one else whatsoever.
The vocals were mostly rather distant hushed growls, the riffs twisted
and turned with plenty of dischorance and a jazzy feel,
and the loosely-played drums were sometimes almost in their own world.
There was a great sense of dynamics here, as the pace jumps from speedy
to ultra-slow, and
even at their heaviest, this was not the bludgeoning, wall-of-sound
noise that some extreme bands go for.
It was chaotic, but somehow kept in control.
Comparing the two full-length albums reveal a similar sound on both,
except that
Cursus is even weirder than its predecessor.
Clearly not for everyone, but this band was a grower,
and was one of the most
unique bands in the extreme metal world.
Unfortunately they broke up in 2017 a year after their second album.
Last Lineup
zELeVthND (Patrick Brown)
vocals/guitars (ex-Devolved)
Rotten Bliss
Former Members/Guests
Benign Blight
Vigils Of The 3rd Eye
I, VOidhanger
- Imperial Prophets
- Martian Terrors, Limbonic Steps
- Opulent Ghouls... Blessed Be Thy End
- The Arc. The Vine. The Blight
- Of Heel, Cyst and Lung
- The Deep Well
- Vigils of the 3rd Eye
- Illucid Illuminati of the Dark
- The Devious Nectar - Purgatory Reprisal
Benign Blight
Rotten Bliss
The Marrow Veil
I, VOidhanger
- Standing on Bedlam, Burning in Bliss
- Dusks Tyrannical Lore
- Iron Laurels, Woven in Rust
Benign Blight
Rotten Bliss
Cursus Impasse - The Pendlomic Vows
I, VOidhanger
- The 6th Octopul'th Grin
- Cabals of Molder
- Maat Mons' Fume
- 7 Ascetic Cinders, 8 Dowries of gA'nOm
- Gaunt Vertigo
- The Subliminal Lock - A Precursor to Vengeance
- The Apocryphalic Wick