Origin: Pleasanton, California, USA  
Genres: Progressive Metal
Facebook Official Site
Page online: March 24, 2012
Last update/review: March 24, 2012


Cynthesis is another branch of the ever-mutating Zero Hour tree -- first there was, of course, Zero Hour itself, then Death Machine, which featured three core ZH members with a different vocalist, and here we have Cynthesis, featuring a different core ZH trio with a new drummer. The common element are the Tipton brothers, guitarist Jasun and bassist Troy. Here, on the debut Cynthesis album DeEvolution, we have something somewhat closer to Zero Hour, that being prime, quality melodic progressive metal. One-time ZH vocalist Erik Rosvold hasn't been heard from since 2003, but his is a welcome return, his clear, forceful yet gentle voice carrying the tunes nicely indeed. This isn't hyper-technical prog metal (save some rambunctious moments such as "Divided Day"), but a more relaxed beast, for some reason late-period Psychotic Waltz comes to mind as a sort-of soundalike. There's really nothing to fault on this album, the pieces are in place and everything clicks as it should. Not sure if the Tiptons will focus on this band or Zero Hour (or both, or neither) moving forward, but as it stands DeEvolution is a top-notch pure progressive metal album.

Current Members

Erik Rosvold

vocals (ex-Zero Hour)

Jasun Tipton

guitars (ex-Death Machine, ex-Zero Hour)

Troy Tipton

bass (ex-Death Machine, ex-Zero Hour)

Sean Flanegan



2011 Sensory
  1. The Man Without Skin
  2. Incision
  3. Divided Day
  4. Shallow World
  5. Profits Of Disaster
  6. The Edifice Grin
  7. Twilight
  8. A Song Of Unrest
  • Erik Rosvold
  • Jasun Tipton
  • Troy Tipton
  • Sean Flanegan

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