Origin: Brisbane, Australia  
Genres: Death Metal
Page online: February 2, 2023
Last update/review: February 2, 2023


As extreme metal contihues to expand and mature, there will always be questions as to what comes next. Can extreme metal become more extreme? How? Enter Portal (ha), an Australian outfit that seeks to simultaneously broaden and narrow the tradition vision of extreme metal. This is extremely dense, twisted, experimental death metal, with the emphasis on everything except "death metal", since, while this does belong under that umbrella, labelling this band as just a death metal band does a huge disservice to both band and listener. Comparing the two albums reviewed here (2013's Vexovoid and 2018's Ion), differences can be found -- the former is more cavernous, dense, and a bit closer to standard death metal (but only in comparison to the latter), while Ion ups the dissonance, scattershot riffs, and complexity. Often claustrophobic and at times borderline unapproachable, this is by design meant to be enjoyed by a select few (and there are more than a few that are totally into this) while the masses may find this over their heads.

Current Members

The Curator


Horror Illogium


Aphotic Mote (Andrew Bell)


Omenous Fugue (Brad Lee Loong)


Ignis Fatuus (Kevin Kevinson)


Former Members/Guests

Werm (Dave Lohan)


Elsewhere (Damon Good) (guest)

bass (guest for Blood Incantation, StarGazer)



Monocular (Denny Blake) (guest)

drums (StarGazer)


The End Mills  EP
  1. Tempus Fugit
  2. The End Mills
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Werm
  • Mephitic

  1. Glumurphonel
  2. Vessel of Balon
  3. Tempus Fugit
  4. Sunken
  5. Atmosblisters
  6. Transcending a Mere Multiverse
  7. Antiquate
  8. The Endmills
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Werm
  • Mephitic

The Sweyy  EP
  1. The Sweyy
  2. Werships
  3. Doors
  4. Atmosblisters (live)
  5. Transcending a Mere Multiverse (live)
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Werm
  • Mephitic

2007 Profound Lore
  1. Moil
  2. Abysmill
  3. Heirships
  4. Omnipotent Crawling Chaos
  5. Black Houses
  6. Outre'
  7. 13 Globes
  8. Sourlows
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Elsewhere
  • Monocular

2009 Profound Lore
  1. Swarth
  2. Larvae
  3. Illoomorpheme
  4. The Swayy
  5. Writhen
  6. Omenknow
  7. Werships
  8. Marityme
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Ignis Fatuus

2013 Profound Lore
  1. Kilter
  2. The Back Wards
  3. Curtain
  4. Plasm
  5. Awryeon
  6. Orbmorphia
  7. Oblotten
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Omenous Fugue
  • Ignis Fatuus

2018 Profound Lore
  1. Nth
  2. ESP Ion Age
  3. Husk
  4. Phreqs
  5. Crone
  6. Revault of Volts
  7. Spores
  8. Phathom
  9. Olde Guarde
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Omenous Fugue
  • Ignis Fatuus

2021 Profound Lore
  1. Catafalque
  2. Eye
  3. Offune
  4. Manor of Speaking
  5. Bode
  6. Drain
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Omenous Fugue
  • Ignis Fatuus

2021 Profound Lore
  1. Stow
  2. Of Straw & Cloth
  3. Grail
  4. Weptune
  5. Hexodeus
  • The Curator
  • Horror Illogium
  • Aphotic Mote
  • Omenous Fugue
  • Ignis Fatuus

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