Origin: Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA  
Genres: Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal
Page online: May 6, 2012
Last update/review: May 6, 2012

Spectral Incursion

An obscure thrash band from the late eighties, these guys started life as Graven Image and switched name to Spectral Incursion sometime between 1987 and 1989. They only managed one official release, a four-track EP in 1989 (and calling that an "official release" might be a stretch, apparently it was quite a low-budget self-released product), though StormSpell compiled some of their other recordings to comprise the 2011-released Anthology compilation in 2011. Anyway, the songs on the EP are jumpy, chaotic, frenzied thrash, kind of in the mold of old Watchtower. The production is pretty rough and the songs could have used some tightening up, but there were some great ideas here and if they had been able to take that Watchtower influence and run with it they could have gotten somewhere. As it is, this is an interesting curiosity at best.

Last Lineup

Steve Lytle


Arthur Melonas


Jay Frasca



Spectral Incursion  EP
  1. Rails
  2. The Other Side
  3. Beneath Your Lives
  4. Last of the Torment
  • Steve Lytle
  • Arthur Melonas
  • Jay Frasca

2011 StormSpell
  1. Constant Velocity
  2. Visions
  3. Vicious Growth
  4. Hymen
  5. Beneath Your Lives
  6. Rails
  7. Last of the Torment
  8. The Other Side
  9. Middle of Nowhere
  10. Untold
  11. Split Decision
  12. Surgery
  13. Return From Paradise
  14. Dementia
  15. S.H.C.
  16. Batter the Innocent
  17. Scorched Earth
  18. Spectral Incursion
  19. Graven Image
  20. A Sword to Swallow
  21. Scorched Earth
  22. Batter the Innocent
  23. S.H.C.

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