Origin: Chicago, Illinois, USA  
Genres: Industrial
Page online: January 7, 2024
Last update/review: January 7, 2024

Black Cross Hotel

This is a bit of a strange beast, as a collection of Chicago musicians spanning several metals that otherwise don't feel related to each other, and the result here doesn't really sound a lot like any of those bands either. Hex features a fair bit of metal-adjacent angular riffs (Killing Joke is a frequent and apt comparison), harsh, slightly punky vocals, along with a dash of 80's-ish synth work and someindustrial flourishes, while the lyrics are all horror-based. It's an intriguing and original blend, as there are traces of any number of the standard industrial bands but this never really sounds exactly like any of them. Quite interesting.

Current Members

Dee DeEmme


Marcus Eliopulos

guitars (ex-Stabbing Westward)

Sanford Parker

bass (ex-Buried At Sea, ex-Minsk, ex-Nachtmystium)

Andrew Ragin

keyboards (The Atlas Moth)

Mike Miczek

drums (The Atlas Moth, Broken Hope)


  1. Shape
  2. Daggers
  3. Siren
  4. Windows
  5. Hex
  6. Fugitive
  7. We Are 138
  8. Hitchhiker
  • Dee DeEmme
  • Marcus Eliopulos
  • Sanford Parker
  • Andrew Ragin
  • Mike Miczek

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