Origin: Oslo, Norway  
Genres: Black Metal
Last update/review: March 7, 2023


Tulus is one of the many black metal bands that have been pouring out of Norway in the last couple of decades. Formed around 1991, they released three albums in the late nineties, with a style firmly planted in black metal, in particular the vocals and the biting guitar riffing, with the songs usually more in the mid-paced realm rather than the speedier blast-beat sound of others. Tulus have done little to stretch the boundaries of traditional Norwegian black metal, but within the confines of the genre they have a pretty effective and distinctive style. Some time after their third album they broke up, with two members forming the similarly-styled Khold, and when that band went on hiatus, the same pair reformed here.

Current Members

Blodstrup (Sverre Stokland)

vocals/guitars (Khold)

Crowbel (Stian M. Kråbøl)

bass (ex-Khold)

Sarke (Thomas Berglie)

drums (Khold, ex-Manes, Manii, Sarke)

Former Members/Guests

Gottskalk (Frode Forsmo)

bass (Funeral, ex-Old Man's Child)

Sir Graanug (Victor Borge)

bass (TNT)


Pure Black Energy  
1996 Hot
  1. Grav
  2. Samlerens Kammer
  3. Tjern
  4. Ulvemelk Og Trollsmer
  5. Søstre Av Natten
  6. Inskripsjon Etter Jordferd
  7. Kaldt
  8. Varg
  9. Midtvintermåne
  10. De Dødes Attest
  • Blodstrup
  • Gottskalk
  • Sarke

1998 Hot
  1. Dommes Fugi
  2. Skugg Eskip
  3. Gravstenskugge
  4. Mysterion
  5. Vetterels
  6. Døderhulder
  7. Skriket Fra Juvet
  8. Evighetens Port
  9. Mäne
  • Blodstrup
  • Gottskalk
  • Sarke

Evil 1999  
1999 Hammerheart
  1. Mennesskefar
  2. Tarantulus
  3. Draug
  4. Cyprianus
  5. Dokkemaker
  6. Salme
  7. Blodstrup
  8. Sjel
  9. Dårskap Tilvisdom
  10. Kviteheim
  • Blodstrup
  • Sir Graanug
  • Sarke

Cold Core Collection (2-CD compilation)  COMPILATION
2000 Hammerheart
  1. Grav
  2. Samlerens Kammer
  3. Tjern
  4. Ulvemelk og trollsmor
  5. Sostre av natten
  6. Inskripsjon etter jordferd
  7. Kaldt
  8. Varg
  9. Midtvintermåne
  10. De dodes attest
  11. Dommes fugl
  12. Skuggeskip
  13. Gravstenskugge
  14. Mysterion
  15. Vettevals
  16. Doderhulder
  17. Skriket fra juvet
  18. Evighetens port
  19. Mare
  20. Sostre av natten
  21. Varg
  22. Kulde
  23. Grav
  24. De Dodes attest
  25. Samlerens Kammer
  26. Varg
  27. Midtvintermåne
  28. Inskripsjon etter jordferd
  29. Tunge dråper fra et morkt hjerte
  30. Slowly We Rot
  31. Space Oddity

Biography Obscene  
2007 Indie
  1. Prelude
  2. Natal Day
  3. Stories Untold
  4. Victim
  5. Chamber's Disgust
  6. Allow no Light
  7. Morbid Curiousity
  8. Demise
  9. Biography Obscene
  10. Torches Quenched
  • Blodstrup
  • Gottskalk
  • Sarke

Olm Og Bitter  
2012 Tabu
  1. Fornemmelse
  2. Frossen skog
  3. Bitt
  4. Draugtatt
  5. Sorg
  6. Nidhevn
  7. Angst
  8. Tunge dråper fra et mørkt hjerte
  9. Villsti
  10. Labyrint
  • Blodstrup
  • Crowbel
  • Sarke

Old Old Death  
2020 Soulseller
  1. Hel
  2. Jord
  3. I havet hos Rån
  4. Flukt
  5. Folkefall
  6. I hinmannens hånd
  7. Grunn grav
  8. Ild til mørkning
  9. Villkjeft
  10. In Memoriam
  • Blodstrup
  • Crowbel
  • Sarke

Fandens Kall  
2023 Soulseller
  1. Fandens kall
  2. Lek
  3. Slagmark
  4. Allstøtt
  5. Isråk
  6. Samuelsbrenna
  7. Sjelesmerte
  8. Bloddråpesvermer
  9. Snømyrkre
  10. Barfrost
  • Blodstrup
  • Crowbel
  • Sarke

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