Loch Vostok was formed by former
drummer Teddy Möller after the demise of that band,
initially bringing over two other Mayadome players
(one of which later dropped out), with Möller himself
switching to guitarist/vocalist in the new group.
Mayadome was firmly rooted in the progressive metal
camp, and so is Loch Vostok, albeit with a slightly darker
style at times.
Möller possesses a fine voice, but thankfully doesn't go
overboard with vocal histrionics, his clear voice (and the
rare, but effectual, growl) complementing the music rather
than dominating it.
In general the pace is a bit less frenetic than the show-off
prog metal bands out there, these guys a little less inclined
to overplay, though their musicianship is clearly quite solid
Dark Logic is a satisfying progressive metal release,
with a generally familiar sound yet not really cloning any particular
band, and is a recommended listen.