Origin: USA

Hell's Headbangers Records

Band Album Year
Slaughter Fuck Of Death 2004
Profanatica The Enemy Of Virtue 2006
Acid Witch Midnight Mass 2010
Acid Witch Stoned 2011
Cianide Gods Of Death 2011
Midnight Satanic Royalty 2011
Witch Cross All That's Fit For Fighting 2011
Children Of Technology Mayhemic Speed Anarchy 2012
Hic Iacet Prophecy Of Doom 2012
Profanatica Sickened By Holy Host 2012
Superchrist Holy Shit 2012
Profanatica Thy Kingdom Cum 2013
High Spirits You Are Here 2014
Midnight No Mercy For Mayhem 2014
October 31 Bury The Hatchet 2014
Acid Witch Midnight Movies 2015
Bat Cruel Discipline 2015
Bat Wings Of Chains 2016
Haxxan Loch Ness Rising 2016
Midnight Shox Of Violence 2016
Profanatica The Curling Flame Of Blasphemy 2016
Acid Witch Evil Sound Screamers 2017
Blood Feast The Future State Of Wicked 2017
Midnight Sweet Death And Ecstasy 2017
Slaughtbbath Contempt, War And Damnation 2017
Blood Feast Chopped, Sliced And Diced 2018
Deceased Ghostly White 2018
Druid Lord Grotesque Offerings 2018
Bat Axetasy 2019
Cianide Unhumanized 2019
Deceased Thrash Times At Ridgemont High 2021
Acid Witch Rot Among Us 2022
Profanatica Pale Fuck 2022
Blood Feast Infinite Evolution 2024
Deceased Children Of The Morgue 2024

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