The Year In Review: 2018

Readers' Top Albums of 2018

1. Judas Priest
  1. Voivod The Wake
  2. Amorphis Queen Of Time
  3. Metal Church Damned If You Do
  4. Flotsam & Jetsam The End Of Chaos
  5. Ghost Prequelle
  6. Candlemass House Of Doom
  7. Alice In Chains Rainier Fog
  8. At The Gates To Drink From The Night Itself
  9. Immortal Northern Chaos Gods
  1. Dimmu Borgir Eonian
  2. Artillery The Face Of Fear
  3. Saxon Thunderbolt
  4. Angra Ømni
  5. Satan Cruel Magic
  6. Machine Head Catharsis
  7. U.D.O. Steelfactory
  8. Fates Warning Live Over Europe
  9. Overkill Live In Overhausen
  10. Haken Vector
  11. Deicide Overtures Of Blasphemy
  12. Behemoth Messe Noire
  13. Venom Storm The Gates
  14. Riot V Armor Of Light
  15. Opeth Garden Of The Titans: Live At Red Rocks Ampitheat

BNR Top Albums of 2018

1. Hamferð
Támsins Likam
  1. Death Alley Superbia
  2. The Monolith Deathcult V2 - Vergelding: Dawn Of The Planet Of The Ashes
  3. Thy Catafalque Geometria
  4. Messa Feast For Water
  5. Manes Slow Motion Death Sequence
  6. Sear Bliss Letters From The Edge
  7. Uncle Acid And The Deadbeats Wasteland
  8. Usurpress Interregnum
  9. Voivod The Wake

In Memoriam

Top Albums By Country

Country '18 % '17 % % Chg
USA 32.0 36.0 -4.0
Germany 4.0 12.0 -8.0
Sweden 16.0 4.0 +12.0
Finland 4.0 2.0 +2.0
Brazil 4.0 4.0 +0.0
England 20.0 18.0 +2.0
Canada 4.0 6.0 -2.0
Denmark 4.0 0.0 +4.0
Norway 8.0 6.0 +2.0
Poland 4.0 2.0 +2.0

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