Eclectic Metal

Angst Skvadron Four Stroke Baron Maudlin Of The Well The Soundbyte
Arkheth Gargoyl MonumentuM Stolen Babies
Arriver Hail Spirit Noir Mord'A'Stigmata Tardigrade Inferno
Carnival In Coal Hexvessel MoRkObOt Thy Catafalque
Chrome Hoof Howling Sycamore Mr. Bungle Ulver
Chryst Igorrr Necro Deathmort Unexpect
Diablo Swing Orchestra Insect Ark The Nest Valtozash
Dog Fashion Disco Kayo Dot The Odious Virus
Empalot Kekal Omb Void Paradigm
Estradasphere Korova Område The Von Deer Skulls
Eternal Deformity Korovakill Öxxö Xööx Waste Of Space Orchestra
Five The Hierophant Liturgy Polkadot Cadaver Wolvennest
Fleurety Love History Remmirath Zeal & Ardor
Forgotten Silence Manes Reveal!  

Active bands are in bold.

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