Thrash Metal

8 Foot Sativa Denial Fiend Iron Cross Redrum
A Perfect Murder Desaster Ironchrist Response Negative
Abattoir Despair Izegrim Revenant
Abhorrent Destruction Jersey Dogs Reviolence
Abigail Destructor Jurassic Jade Revocation
Abigail Williams Detente The Kandidate Rigor Mortis
Absence Of The Sacred Detritus Kayser Ritual Carnage
Accu§er Devastation Kazjurol Rumpelstiltskin Grinder
Acid Drinkers Dew-Scented Kerry King Sabbat
Acid Reign Disciples Of Power King's-Evil Sacred Chao
Acid Storm Disharmonic Orchestra Körgull The Exterminator Sacred Reich
Acrophet Divine Decay Korzus Sacrifice
Act Of Defiance Domination Black Kreator Sacrilege B.C.
Aftermath Dorsal Atlantica The Krixhjälters Sadus
Agent Steel Drifter Kublai Khan Sarcofago
Airdash Droid Laaz Rockit Sargon
Aloop Drop Hammer Lamb Of God Satan's Wrath
Amboog-A-Lard Droys Last Descendants Savage Messiah
Amulance Dublin Death Patrol Lawnmower Deth Savage Steel
Anacrusis Duskmachine Lazarus Scars Of Atrophy
Angelus Apatrida Dymaxion Legion Of The Damned Sepultura
Anger As Art Dyoxen Lich King Seventh Angel
Angkor Wat Earthquake Living Death Shah
Anihilated Electrocute Lost Society Shatter Messiah
Annihilator Energetic Krusher Ludichrist Short Sharp Shock
Anthrax Enforcer M-Pire Of Evil Silence
Antidote Epidemic Mace Sindrome
Anvil Bitch Equinox Machine Head Skeletonwitch
Apocalypse Eruption Mad Dragzter Skeptic Sense
Arakain Ethereal Scourge Majster Kat Skinlab
Arch Enemy Eudoxis Malón Slammer
Artillery Evil Invaders Mandator Slaughtbbath
Aspid Evildead Manifest Destiny Slaughter
Assassin Evile Mantic Ritual Slaughter House
Assaulter Excidium Masters Of Metal Slave Zero
Astharoth Exciter Mastery Slayer
Asyllex Exhorder Mayhem Slayer (SA)
At War Exodus Meanstreak Sodom
Atrophy Exumer Meatlocker Seven Sodomizer
Aura Noir Faith Or Fear Megadeth Solitude
Avenger Of Blood The Fallen Meltdown Soothsayer
Ballistic Farscape Memorain Space Eater
Battered Fatal Embrace Merciless Death Spectral Incursion
Battlecross F.K.U. Messiah Speed Kill Hate
Betrayer Flames Metal Messiah Stam1na
Bewitched Flesh Made Sin Metallica Steep
Bewitcher Flotsam & Jetsam Mezzrow Stone
Bezerker Forbidden Midas Touch Stone Vengeance
Bio-Cancer Forced Entry Mitra Suicidal Angels
Bitter End Fueled By Fire M.O.D. Suicidal Tendencies
Black Fast The Furor Mokoma Suicide Watch
Black Mass Gack Monarch Sun Descends
Blessed Death Gama Bomb Morbid Saint Surrealist
Blind Illusion Gammacide Mordred Swashbuckle
Blood Feast Gargoyle Morfeus Synaptik
Blood Tsunami Generation Kill Mortal Sin Tankard
Bloodcum Ghoul Mortifier Target
Bloodlust Gnosis Mortillery Taurus
Blunt Force Trauma Gothic Slam Municipal Waste Tearabyte
Bolthard Graveheart Muro Temple Of Brutality
Bonded By Blood The Great Kat Napalm Tenet
Bulldozer Grimfist Nasty Savage Tension
Bütcher Grinder Necronomicon Terror 2000
Byfrost Grip Inc. Necropanther Testament
Bywar Guillotine Nervosa Threat Signal
Carnal Forge Hades Nifelheim Toranaga
Carnivore Hallows Eve Nihilist Torque
Castrofate Hammerwhore NME Tourniquet
Cataract Harlott No Return Toxic Holocaust
Cavalera Harter Attack Nocturnal Breed Toxik
Cavalera Conspiracy Hatchet Nocturnal Fear The Troops Of Doom
Cerebral Fix Hatesphere Non-Human Level Tynator
Channel Zero Hatriot Nuclear Assault Tyrannicide
Chemical Annihilation The Haunted Num Skull Ultimatum
Children Of Technology Have Mercy Objector Uncle Slam
Chimaira Havoc Mass Obliveon United
Combat HavocHate Obscene Gesture Unleashed Power
Corporation 187 Havok Occult Urn
Coroner Head On Collision Odium Vampire
Coven Heathen Of Rytes Vektor
Cranium Hellbastard Omnitron Vengeance Rising
Craven Idol Hellbringer Once Dead Vendetta
Cripper Hellfighter One Machine Venom Inc.
Crisix Hellhound One Man Army And The Undead Quartet Viking
Critical Solution Hellish Crossfire Onkel Tom Vindicator
The Crown Hellripper Onslaught Vio-lence
The Crucified Hellwitch Original Sin Violator
Cruel Force Hermética Outrage Violent Force
Crustacean Hexen Overdose Virgin Snatch
Cryptic Warning Hexenhaus Overkill Voice Of Destruction
Cyclone Hexx Overkill Volcano
Cyclone Temple Hirax Ovif Volition
Cyst Hobbs Angel Of Death Oxygen Destroyer Vortex Of Insanity
Daemos Holocross Panic Vulcano
D.A.M. Holy Moses Panzer War-saw
Damien Holy Terror Pänzer Warbeast
Dark Angel Holycide Paradox Warbringer
D.B.C. Horfixion Phantasm Warfect
De Lirium's Order Hot Buttered Anal Piece Dogs Wargasm
Dead Head Hurtlocker Polarized Warning SF
Dead Horse Hyades Poltergeist Warpath
Dead To This World Hydra Vein Power Trip Weaponizer
Deadrider Ice Age Powermad Wehrmacht
Dearly Beheaded Ignorance Primal Scream West Of Hell
Death Angel Imagika Principality Of Hell Whiplash
Death Breath Immaculate Protector Witchery
Deathchain Immension Psychosis Wolf Spider
Deathrow Impious Pyracanda Wraith
Deathwish I.N.C. Raise Hell Xenoblight
Deathwitch In Malice's Wake Ramming Speed Xentrix
Defiance Indestroy Rampage Yyrkoon
Defleshed Infernal Majesty Razor Zimmers Hole
Dekapitator Insane Razor Of Occam Znowhite
Deliverance Interzone Realm Zoetrope
Demiricous Intruder Re-Animator  
Demolition Hammer Invocator Reckless Tide  
Demonica Iron Angel Redimoni  

Active bands are in bold.

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